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  • Writer's pictureSerena Readhead

5 Classroom Reward Ideas That Are Free

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

classroom reward ideas

As educators, we strive to nurture intrinsic motivation in our students. However, as realists and people in the trenches of teaching, we understand that at times, external rewards can provide an extra spark to keep our students engaged and motivated. The challenge lies in finding enticing rewards that don't strain our budgets, ensuring every student has a chance to be motivated and celebrated. That's why I'm here to share 5 classroom reward ideas that won't cost you a dime!

  1. Coupons for Special Classroom Exceptions: create coupons for unique privileges like wearing a hat for a day or bringing a stuffed animal to sit on their desk. While there are all kinds of cutesy coupons available for purchase, I've yet to have a student balk at my hand-made sticky note coupons. They are just as excited to wear a hat indoors all day with a home-made coupon!

  2. Extra Recess: Grant your students an additional 5, 10, or 15 minutes of recess. Alternatively, if feasible, have two recess periods every Friday as a special reward for those who show hard work and determination throughout the week. (Pro-tip: if you are having a reward come at the end of the week--clearly define the expectations for how students can earn the reward an create an incentive tracker so there is no debate or question about who has earned this privilege).

  3. Social Minutes: It's always a good idea to incorporate some wiggle breaks and brain breaks throughout the day, but to make it a bit more enticing, something to work towards, introduce a special break as "Social Minutes." This was the most loved time in my class of social butterflies my fifth year teaching. Give students a few minutes (3-5) to freely socialize with friends around the classroom. They will appreciate the freedom and cherish the friend time.

  4. Homework Passes: Award students who demonstrate exceptional effort or achievement with a homework exemption. Just the prospect of this reward can significantly boost motivation and encourage everyone to strive for success. (Important Note: Ensure that rewards are based on effort and growth to create an inclusive environment where every student feels they have an opportunity to earn them. There is nothing more unmotivating that feeling that you cannot reach a goal.)

  5. Sit at the Teacher's Desk: One of the biggest hits! Clear your desk and allow a student to occupy the teacher's chair for a day. It's a special privilege that adds excitement to their learning experience.

So, let's inspire, motivate, and celebrate our students while fostering a positive and engaging classroom environment (without breaking the bank)!


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